165 research outputs found


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    Private labels play a key role in Marketing strategy and they have been studied by several researchers. In order to respond to adaptations to the market, private labels are fundamental to the retailers’ strategies. These brands overlap with those of the manufacturers, as they are vital to improving the value proposition in terms of price, image and quality. With this research, focused on the private labels and the category of yogurt and desserts, we try to understand the factors that influence the purchase of yogurts and desserts. The study uses the Focus Group technique for the collection and treatment of data analysis of content. It was concluded that the category of yogurt and dairy desserts is at a crossroads because there are antagonistic factors influencing the purchase and consumption. The category appears to be positively driven by the promotional pace and the greater capacity to assume as a substitute for milk at some moments of consumption. On the other hand, the category is also being pressured by unfavorable communicational and opinionated phenomena related to the drawbacks associated with milk consumption. The marks of reference seem to have reduced or stabilized the competitiveness of the private labels by the effect of the permanent promotional cycles

    Learning Task Priorities from Demonstrations

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    Bimanual operations in humanoids offer the possibility to carry out more than one manipulation task at the same time, which in turn introduces the problem of task prioritization. We address this problem from a learning from demonstration perspective, by extending the Task-Parameterized Gaussian Mixture Model (TP-GMM) to Jacobian and null space structures. The proposed approach is tested on bimanual skills but can be applied in any scenario where the prioritization between potentially conflicting tasks needs to be learned. We evaluate the proposed framework in: two different tasks with humanoids requiring the learning of priorities and a loco-manipulation scenario, showing that the approach can be exploited to learn the prioritization of multiple tasks in parallel.Comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Robotic

    A Non-parametric Skill Representation with Soft Null Space Projectors for Fast Generalization

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    Over the last two decades, the robotics community witnessed the emergence of various motion representations that have been used extensively, particularly in behavorial cloning, to compactly encode and generalize skills. Among these, probabilistic approaches have earned a relevant place, owing to their encoding of variations, correlations and adaptability to new task conditions. Modulating such primitives, however, is often cumbersome due to the need for parameter re-optimization which frequently entails computationally costly operations. In this paper we derive a non-parametric movement primitive formulation that contains a null space projector. We show that such formulation allows for fast and efficient motion generation with computational complexity O(n2) without involving matrix inversions, whose complexity is O(n3). This is achieved by using the null space to track secondary targets, with a precision determined by the training dataset. Using a 2D example associated with time input we show that our non-parametric solution compares favourably with a state-of-the-art parametric approach. For demonstrated skills with high-dimensional inputs we show that it permits on-the-fly adaptation as well

    A Laser-based Dual-arm System for Precise Control of Collaborative Robots

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    Collaborative robots offer increased interaction capabilities at relatively low cost but in contrast to their industrial counterparts they inevitably lack precision. Moreover, in addition to the robots' own imperfect models, day-to-day operations entail various sources of errors that despite being small rapidly accumulate. This happens as tasks change and robots are re-programmed, often requiring time-consuming calibrations. These aspects strongly limit the application of collaborative robots in tasks demanding high precision (e.g. watch-making). We address this problem by relying on a dual-arm system with laser-based sensing to measure relative poses between objects of interest and compensate for pose errors coming from robot proprioception. Our approach leverages previous knowledge of object 3D models in combination with point cloud registration to efficiently extract relevant poses and compute corrective trajectories. This results in high-precision assembly behaviors. The approach is validated in a needle threading experiment, with a 150{\mu}m thread and a 300{\mu}m hole, and a USB insertion task using two 7-axis Panda robots

    Empty Cube:um projecto curatorial

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    Tese de mestrado, Estudos curatoriais, 2010, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas ArtesA presente dissertação pretende ser uma reflexão sobre um projecto curatorial, iniciado em 2007, cujo objectivo tem sido trabalhar com continuidade e explorar, dentro de limites bem determinados, um contexto expositivo que crie as condições necessárias para a uma experiência única, no tempo e no espaço para o artista e para o público. O EMPTY CUBE é basicamente definido por duas características principais: é um projecto expositivo nómada e a duração da exposição de cada projecto artístico, uma apresentação única e efémera, ocorre apenas num dia, durante quatro ou cinco horas. O trabalho que é agora apresentado sintetiza uma visão, que se pretende crítica, das diversas fases da concepção e desenvolvimento deste projecto desde a sua criação até à actualidade. O EMPTY CUBE encontra-se activo e iniciou, recentemente, a segunda fase do seu programa com um projecto arquitectónico, para um espaço modular que pode ser montado, removido, e reinstalado num curto espaço de tempo. Este dispositivo, confere ao espaço uma ideia de perfomatividade muito próxima do carácter efémero que caracteriza o evento e propõem-nos algumas questões sobre o espaço expositivo e a exposição como suporte artístico. São observadas questões relacionadas com a criação do projecto, estreitamente ligadas a uma experiência curatorial com um artista, que determinou o modelo e o formato que veio a ser desenvolvido. A análise efectuada pretende questionar etapas do processo artístico, do ponto de vista do curador e dos artistas, como a escolha do espaço e as suas características, as condições de produção, a memória e o registo através da criação de um website bilingue em português e inglês, a curadoria como prática e como discurso, e a relação deste evento com o contexto actual, na sua relação com o público. Este processo de análise sobre o projecto é um trabalho em aberto, um work in progress, como se pode comprovar através das entrevistas feitas aos artistas participantes, e a curadores convidados, cuja reflexão alargada sobre o contexto artístico e sobre a curadoria constituem um útil documento de trabalh

    O Processo Constitucional Como Espaço Dialogal Discursivo da Democracia

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    O presente trabalho faz uma análise sobre a função do processo constitucional no Estado Democrático de Direito de 1988, numa perspectiva do processo como procedimento em contraditório de Fazzalari, apoiado na teoria do discurso do direito de Jürgen Habermas e naconcepção do modelo constitucional de processo de Andolina e Vignera. Com apropriação dos marcos teóricos referidos foi possível revisitar noções acerca da natureza jurídica do processo constitucional e da diferenciação entre direito processual constitucional e direito constitucional processual. A partir de tais abordagens, buscou-se apresentar a concepção acerca do modelo constitucional de processo, um esquema geral de processo, instituidor de uma base principiológica uníssona. Verificou-se que a fundamentação, a técnica, os institutos afins e as formas do processo constitucional, como o devido processo judicial, o devido processo legislativo e o devido processo administrativo, evidenciam que sua teorização e prática decorrentes são a garantia de um espaço dialogal, combustível para uma democracia. Assim, pela interseção dos vários mecanismos relacionados com a efetivação dos direitos fundamentais, restou clarividente que o processo constitucional é o espaço dialogal discursivo argumentativo posto à disposição dos indivíduos, viabilizador da democracia pós-moderna. DOI:10.5585/rdb.v2i2.7

    How does circular economy work in industry? Strategies, opportunities, and trends in scholarly literature

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    The concept of circular economy (CE) has been a topic of interest for researchers, managers, and policy makers. It is recognised as the latest attempt to balance industrial development, environmental health, and economic growth. Although academic literature in this field has been gradually developing, it is limited in its analysis in terms of economic and competitive opportunity in the face of different strategies. This article provides a holistic view by mapping the literature on strategies-based EC for the economic competitiveness of companies through a systematic literature review supported on the co-citation bibliometric technique. To this end, 126 articles were selected and organised into 5 clusters: (i) strategic applications of CE; (ii) mediating factors for implementing CE strategies; (iii) drivers of CE strategies; (iv) determinants used to promote CE; and (v) emerging digital technologies used to enable CE practices. The results of this study help practitioners assess EC from a new point of view and design competitive strategies for a circular model without neglecting economic growth and competitive advantage, in addition to serving as crucial evidence for policymakers, helping them leverage policies to circumvent sustainability concerns and promote circularity. A future agenda for detailed cluster-based research is put forward based on the identified gaps, including a framework to help managers set priorities to escape the zero-profit trend associated with green and sustainable practices.This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P., under the project "UIDB/04630/2020".info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os limites da liberdade de expressão: uma análise do caso “Siegfried Ellwanger” e da atual conjuntura nacional

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    Analisa as nuances da liberdade de expressão enquanto direito fundamental com base na análise de alguns dos votos da decisão proferida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no Habeas Corpus 82.24/RS (Caso “Siegfried Ellwanger”). Visa-se investigar detalhadamente a gênese e inserção de tal garantia em nosso ordenamento jurídico, bem como os aspectos gerais que circundam e definem a liberdade de expressão no mundo do Direito, tencionando ao posterior destrinchamento do citado julgado, a fim de conhecer dos limites da liberdade de expressão no que toca a manifestação de pensamento no Brasil. Questiona-se, ao final, qual política se consolidou em torno do tema e como o sistema jurídico brasileiro encara a discussão da manifestação de pensamento em situações de conflito ou temas controvertidos

    Motion Mappings for Continuous Bilateral Teleoperation

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    Mapping operator motions to a robot is a key problem in teleoperation. Due to differences between workspaces, such as object locations, it is particularly challenging to derive smooth motion mappings that fulfill different goals (e.g. picking objects with different poses on the two sides or passing through key points). Indeed, most state-of-the-art methods rely on mode switches, leading to a discontinuous, low-transparency experience. In this paper, we propose a unified formulation for position, orientation and velocity mappings based on the poses of objects of interest in the operator and robot workspaces. We apply it in the context of bilateral teleoperation. Two possible implementations to achieve the proposed mappings are studied: an iterative approach based on locally-weighted translations and rotations, and a neural network approach. Evaluations are conducted both in simulation and using two torque-controlled Franka Emika Panda robots. Our results show that, despite longer training times, the neural network approach provides faster mapping evaluations and lower interaction forces for the operator, which are crucial for continuous, real-time teleoperation.Comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L